1. How was the process of creating the GMail account and setting up the Blog?
The process of creating the g mail account was very easy since I already had an account created prior to this class. When it came to setting up the blog it was a bit confusing. When i began reading through the power point it became much clear in what was needed to have a good blog.
2. What do you expect to learn in this course?
What I'm expecting to learn in this class is hopefully something beyond the typical. When I was young the only thing I considered art was drawing, painting and creating things with clay. So what I'm looking forward to in this class is something way beyond that hopefully the history and background of art.
3. How do you feel about taking an online course?
I feel good about taking an online course. I've taken an online course before;for my major class so I'm familiar with whats expected of a course like this.
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