Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Art Making/Material Exploration #3

A. What is installation art?
After watching the videos and reading the text I found that installation art describes an artist of any type that creates works of art the transform the perception of a specific space.

B. What materials are used installation art?
I found that there are no specific materials that are used in installation art. The materials used to create this can be anything. As demonstrated in the video artist use materials depending on what they wanted to portray. For example, one artist has used pasta and others had used sculptures painted with polka dots.

C. Why make installation art? 
There isn’t an exact reason to making installation art. Some reasons can be that many artist would like to make a statement about their space, others like to portray space to others in the way it is perceived to them. Lastly, installation art is created to convey a message to its audience that art can be a range of anything in sight.

D. Which artist/installation did I find most interesting?
When it was watching the video “Installation Art” one of the most interesting pieces of installation art that I found entertaining was when the artist brought in a wheel which was something used on a daily basis and I like this because many people were surprised to see this. However, he showed the exact meaning of what installation art is; it’s anything that occupies space. He also really showed that art can truly be anything.

A. From the material reviewed, is there a inspiration piece that I feel a connection with?

When I was watching the installation video one piece that I found was inspiration to what I want to do was the sculptures that were painted in purple and pink with polka dot and on the bottom were bits of pasta. I found that piece most interesting because of the materials used and because of its colors. It reminds me of happy and girly colors that have gave me an idea into what to create for my own installation piece.

B. What theme do I want to explore in my installation? Refer to your textbook if you need to review Themes of Art.

The theme that I am exploring into would probably have to do with environment and media. I want to portray what I see around me on a daily basis and some of thing that have inspired me to become the person that I am today.

C. What materials will I use?

The materials that I will be using will consist of pictures from magazines such as celebrities that inspire me with their fashion. Girly things like makeup which is something I like to use and learn about every day. I would also like to portray this all on a box.

D. Where will this installation be located and why?

The installation will be located in my room because the colorful images will be able to balance out with the same patterns in my room and since my room already represents who I am and what I like this installation will fit in perfect along in the room too. 

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Week Six Blog: Reviewing Peer Response to Artwork

1. Hyperlink the Blogs you reviewed into your Blog


2. When looking at Project #1: (Elements and Principles), did you agree with the element or principle the artist listed with the images? Did you see other elements and principles in the images?
While looking at one of my peers project number one on the elements and principles I really enjoyed her slideshow. The pictures she chose to illustrate her elements were very different than what I would of thought to choose to display. In her image for balance she chose lamp shades that were in different tones of color and I found that this image also portrays another element of color as well.

3. When looking at Project #2: Where there any images in the Peer Blogs the same as your own? If yes, what were they? Where the reasons the image was selected the same or different as your own?
While looking at one of my peer’s blog posting for project number two, I noticed that she had posted many of same pictures as me. One of them in particular was the painting called “Carnival” created by Joan Miro. Her reason for posting that picture was because it reminded her of her own life very crazy and out there. I on the other hand chose this picture because of it design and pattern. However, I could agree that the picture does also remind me of my hectic life at times.

4. Where there any images that you’re Peers selected that pique your interest now? If yes, what are they and what is your connection with them? What would you want to know about them?
One image that one of my peers selected from project number two was called “Red Painting” created by Joseph Marioni. The painting was just red and it made me interested in this work of art because I felt like it had a story however I have no idea what the story would be.  While looking at another one of my peers blogs I found another painting that caught my eye this painting was called “100 Cans” created by Andy Warhol. This painting was just can lined across together. I found it interesting cause like the other painting I want to know its sorry behind it what about the cans why did the artist choose to display this.

5. What do you think about the process of reading your peers reflection? Do you find this to be a valuable in your learning?
For me the process of reading through my peer’s reflections in their blog was pretty fun and interesting. For me it was a good experience because I got see what my peers were up too and what their interest were throughout the process of these assignments.

6. Check your Blog and read comments posted by your Peers. Do you find their comments helpful?
Whether or not my peers chose to look at my page I would always find it very helpful to hear what my peers liked or disliked about my reflections in my blog. Either way I fin d it helpful to learn what my weaknesses are and what I should improve on.

Week Six: Video Review

Module #6:
Blog: Video Review:

1. For each video list/discuss the key concepts you learned.
In the first video “Through the Eyes of the Sculptor” I learned I learned the true process of what it takes to create a sculpture. I got to see how long of a process it is to create an incredible piece. From this video I learned that in order to make sure the stone is useful they knock around it with a hammer and depending on the sound you can tell whether it’s solid or has a crack. I also learned that many sculptures take form in marble, clay, and stone.  
In the second video “Glass and Ceramics”, I learned about the most two traditional glass-making techniques; glass blowing and stained glass windows. I got to learn how glass is made. It’s made from sand which is interesting how sand is then set in fire with other components. I never knew how long it took to create a glass cup it is a very long process a lot of fire, twist and turning. Last thing I learned was about glass windows and how they use certain colors to make sure it portrays light. They start off with a small outline of it then into a huge sketch then numbers. It’s Very interesting to see how long it takes and its process to make such a beautiful piece.
In the last video “Installation Art” I got to learn about what defines installation of art and it provides the number of examples of what elements are used to represent this. I learned that the definition of installation art is anything that takes up space and defines the space. I also learned that its one of the most popular things to do and it all depends on what the artist wants to do.

2. How do the videos relate to the readings in the text?
I felt like the videos related to the chapters in the textbook entirely. I think this because I felt the textbook was an introduction to what we would be learning this week. However, I feel all three of these videos illustrated the information in more depth. For example, the text book talked about the different materials used when making a sculpture in the video I got to see those exact materials used however, through the video I got to see what it looks like the title it has during the process of making a piece of work.

3. What is your opinion of the films? How do they add depth to understanding of the topics: Sculpture, Installation, and Craft?
I felt that the first two films “Through the Eyes of the Sculptor” and “Glass and Ceramics” were the most interesting because the tone was entertaining it wasn’t boring monotone voices like many of these other videos we have to watch. I also felt it showed the most information and I got to learn a lot from it. On the other hand, the last video wasn’t intriguing to me I got bored with it pretty quickly.  As I said before it adds more depth because in the textbook it was just text that I read while in the video I got to see how these materials are really used.

Project #2 Art Gallery Visit #1

A.) Which artworks make an impact or impression on me? Why?
The artworks that made an impression on me were the “Carnival of Harlequin” created by Joan Miro and the “HANDS UP” a mural created by Matter at Hand participants. I found these art pieces the most interesting because of the color, designs, and patterns. I felt both of these pieces of art looked fun and it was entertaining to look at. The first piece Carnival of Harlequin had pieces all over the place but the artist made everything come together into a beautiful piece.

B.) Which artworks do I feel a connection with? Why?
The artworks that I had a connection with were the “Flowers in a Vase” created by Henri Rousseau and the “Convergence” created by Jackson Pollock. I felt like I had a connection to these art pieces because in the first art piece it’s a vase of flowers and it reminds me of when I was younger and I would doodle a lot for some reason I always would draw a vase of flowers. Second art piece I feel I have a connection with is because it shows so much color all over the place it just reminds me of my life at times all over the place, different moods, and overwhelming.

C.) Which artworks would I like to know more about? Why?
The first artwork that I wanted to know more about was the painting called “When the Raven Was White” created by Grace Hartigan. I just kept wondering what the overall meaning of the painting was. It’s somewhat black and grey with some touches of color but to me it looks interesting it looks like pieces put together in a collage. Second piece of work that I found interesting but wanted to learn more about was the “Reverie” created by Aristide Maillol. It is a picture of a sculpture but I just kept wondering like what does this sculpture represent it looks so peaceful but I wish it had more of a story to it. 








Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Art Making/ Material Exploration#2 Logo Design

1. Discuss what you thought about creating your logo.
When it came to creating my logo I just got inspiration by what I loved most in my life and just started sketching logos that I always wanted to launch one day in my life if I’m lucky. For me this assignment was fun it helped me bring out my creative side which doesn’t come out as often as it used too. 
2. Describe the process: creative thinking skills and ideas you used in the logo creation.
The process while creating my logos was very interesting to me I just got a lot of inspiration by things around me. For instance, in one of my logos I decided to create an eye for my future perfume someday and called it Iris. I came up with this idea because it reminds me of my mother which is her name and the idea of the eye just comes from the meaning of the word Iris.
3. What was the most important discovery you made in the creation of your logo?
One of the most important discoveries I made while in the process of creating my logos was how really creative someone could be if you actually put your mind into something you really are motivated about. Another thing I discovered was that when I was just open minded many ideas came to my head when it came to the designs, patterns, and colors of my product.
4. What is the most important information you learned from watching the videos, PowerPoint, and reading material for this project? What is your opinion of the videos?
The most important information I learned overall from watching the videos, PowerPoint, and reading material was how much time and energy it takes to create a logo. I never knew how designers really try to incorporate what they feel that company wants to portray. Overall, I feel like everything was very useful and informative. It really helped me learn a lot about logos and really create one of my own. 




